Press Releases and Statements

APGA Concerned with DOE’s Implementation of Section 433 of the EISA 

04-25-2024 05:57 PM


CONTACT: Audrey Casey

American Public Gas Association

Cell: 757-292-5792



APGA Concerned with DOE’s Implementation of Section 433 of the EISA


Washington, DC (April 25, 2024) – Today, the American Public Gas Association (APGA), representing more than 730 local, municipally owned natural gas systems in 38 states, issued the following statement responding to the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) final rule implementing Section 433 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA).


“The American Public Gas Association (APGA) is disappointed in the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Clean Energy for New Federal Buildings and Major Renovations of Federal Buildings Rule. DOE’s rule eliminates fossil fuel-generated energy from all new or renovated federal buildings by the year 2030. This rule ultimately decreases energy efficiency by no longer utilizing reliable natural gas infrastructure in federal buildings, potentially preventing the use of “future fuels” like renewable natural gas (RNG). Due to this decreased efficiency and likely higher electricity cost, the American taxpayer will bear an increased burden. Notably, DOE is focusing on just onsite fuel use, not recognizing the efficiency of natural gas and the infrastructure that delivers it. Natural gas used directly in a building’s appliances is three times more efficient than when it is used to generate electricity because so much energy is lost when converting and transmitting electricity.


America’s gas infrastructure delivers energy affordably, reliably, and efficiently, all attributes that should be important to the fuel used in our federal buildings.”



APGA is the national association of municipally and publicly-owned local distribution systems. There are about 1,000 public gas systems serving more than 6 million customers. These public gas utilities are not-for-profit retail distribution entities that are owned by, and accountable to, the citizens they serve. They include municipal gas distribution systems, public utility districts, county districts, and other public agencies that have natural gas distribution facilities.



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