
Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

2025 APGA Legislative Summit and Winter Board and Committee Meetings

The 2025 APGA Legislative Summit will take place January 27 – 30 in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the Winter Board and Committee Meetings.

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APGA Legislative Summit

APGA members will receive energy policy updates from guest speakers and meet with their congressional delegations on important legislative issues.


Capitol Hill Meetings in 2024


Attendees in 2024


Policy Sessions

Board & Committee Meetings

APGA's key decision makers and committee members help set APGA's goals and priorities.

2025 APGA Legislative Summit

Publicly-owned and community-owned natural gas utility gas professionals will meet with their federal representatives.

Host Hotel & Location

Learn more about accommodation options in Washington, D.C. 

Conference Location

Washington, D.C.

The 2025 APGA Winter Board & Committee Meetings and Legislative Summit will be held in Washington, D.C.

Location Details

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Phoenix Park Hotel

APGA Membership

From the smallest to the largest publicly- and community-owned gas systems, APGA is working for you.

Public Gas System Membership - We advocate on behalf of our members helping them strengthen their systems by providing access to the latest industry trends on safety standards, competitiveness, regulations and other important issues that affect their system.

Associate Membership – Associate membership is for organizations that provide products and/or services for publicly owned natural gas distribution systems. 

National Sponsor - Natural gas suppliers, vendors and other stakeholders can participate as National Sponsors and receive recognition and benefits that correspond with the level of support.

Explore Membership

About APGA

APGA is the only not-for-profit trade organization representing America's publicly owned natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs). APGA represents the interests of public gas before Congress, federal agencies and other energy-related stakeholders by developing regulatory and legislative policies that further the goals of our members. In addition, APGA organizes meetings, seminars, and workshops with a specific goal to improve the reliability, operational efficiency, and regulatory environment in which public gas systems operate.

More About APGA